This course is designed to provide laundryman trainees with the skills and knowledge necessary to perform their job duties effectively and efficiently. The course topics include an introduction to the laundry industry, an overview of the different types of laundry equipment, the proper way to operate and maintain laundry equipment, and the proper way to handle and process laundry items.
- Administration of Ship’s Service Activities.
- Laundry Organization and Management.
- Fibers and Fabrics.
- Washing.
- Extracting and Drying.
- Flatwork Ironing.
- Pressing and Finishing.
- Assembly and Issue.
- Drycleaning and Finishing.
- Removal of Spots and Stains.
- Decontaminating and Disinfecting.
- Portable Laundary Equipment.
- Passport, CDC, INDOS & COC
- 2 Passport size colored photographs
After successful completion of course, certificate will be issued to the participant.